Analytical Psychology Careers – Becoming an Analytical Psychologist [2024]

Last Updated: February 9, 2025

What is Analytical Psychology?

Analytical psychology a branch of psychology that involves the belief that a person’s thoughts and behaviors stem from both conscious and non-conscious beliefs and perceptions. Analytical psychology was founded by Dr. Carl Jung during the 1900s. Jung was a student, friend and colleague of Dr. Sigmund Freud, the “Father of Psychoanalysis.”

According to analytical psychology, certain archetypes influence the mental, physical and emotional development of species (i.e. humans and animals). This form of psychology also believes that a collective unconsciousness resides within all species.

Analytical psychology also focuses on psychological racial and cultural contributions, and the importance maintaining a healthy balance between contrasting dynamics, within the personality. To sum it up, this branch of psychology studies the relationship between consciousness and unconsciousness and the mind (thought processes).

What Does an Analytical Psychologist Do?

Analytical psychologists help patients change their problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors through discovering their unconscious motivations. This type of therapy may be used to treat patients with a wide variety of  emotional and mental health issues including eating disorders, anxiety and other psychiatric conditions.

One duty of an analytical psychologist is often to help patients gain better self-understanding, which in turn may reduce problems, such as depression and substance abuse.

Analytical psychologists may vary the techniques they use based on the patient’s problems, personality and interests. They may administer personality assessments, such as Myers-Briggs Type Indicator to help patients develop insight into their behavior.

In some instances, analytical psychologists may ask patients to discuss their dreams and fantasies to gain a better understating of unconscious thoughts affecting their life.

Analytical psychologists may also use additional techniques depending on the patient. For example, they may instruct patients to keep a diary of their feelings or to express emotions and creativity through art, music and poetry. Each technique is used to gain a window into the unconscious mind and achieve better self-knowledge.

As patients learn more clearly what forces are influencing their behaviors and emotions, analytical psychologists help them develop ways to change negative thought processes.

Since analytical therapy can be a lengthy process, based heavily on talk therapy, the relationship between the psychologist and patient is critical. As part of their responsibilities, analytical psychologists need to create an environment for patients to be open and relaxed in order to express themselves.

Creating this type of professional relationship involves a number of factors, such as listening closely in a non-judgmental manner and being empathetic.

Analytical psychologist aim to help patients discover their own unconscious worlds by unpackaging the messages decoded within unconscious material- both collective and personal. There is even some emphasis on analyzing common cultural religious practices, fine arts, and folklore- all with the eventual goal of personality integration and individuation.

The term individuation refers specifically to the gradual increase in self-awareness, experienced by patients as they begin to understand their inner lives. This self-knowledge is used to increase overall productivity and happiness. The goal of analytic therapy also includes maturation of the personality.

Analytical psychologists also provide assistance to those recovering from chronic illnesses and disabilities, embarrassment, fear, anxiety, psychological distress, stress, anger/rage, feelings of hopelessness and helplessness, and mental illnesses. One major goal of an analytical psychologist is to make clients feel empowered to make changes in their lives.

Another goal is to help clients address unresolved feelings and obstacles, so they can move on with their lives. They also teach clients how to be more self-aware, when entering relationships.

What Degree is Required for an Analytical Psychologist?

To become an analytical psychologist, one must earn an undergraduate degree, master’s degree, and a doctorate. It is important to note that an individual will not be able to call himself or herself a ‘psychologist’ unless he or she has earned a Ph.D. in the field. In addition, to be able to practice as ‘psychologist’ an individual must obtain a license.

At the graduate and doctoral levels, students generally learn both Freud’s and Jung’s theories, and complete the following courses: analytical science, Jungian principals and theories, gender identity studies, social policies, cultural orientation studies, religions and faith, English composition, lifespan development, statistics, research methods, psychology, sociology, and philosophy.

It typically takes 4 years to earn an undergraduate degree, 2.5 to 3 years to earn a graduate (master’s level) degree, and up to 7 years to earn a doctorate in psychology.

While in the graduate program, the student is required to complete a thesis (a research paper on an analytic topic) and a 3 to 6 month clinical internship at a psychology-based facility.

And, while in a doctoral program, the student is required to complete a dissertation (an in-depth research study and paper) in an analytical psychology area, and a 6-month internship at an approved research facility, government agency, or private practice.

Jungian students may also be required to complete various psychological assessments, and commit to self-exploration. In addition, they may also be required to review and analyze various case-studies, and read Jungian theories and research studies.

What are the Training Requirements?

Psychologists are required to complete internships, conducted under the supervision of licensed psychologists. These internships are often conducted in low-cost clinics run by their respective educational institutions. Training is both experiential and intellectual. Students must read and review case-studies conducted by established analytical psychologists.

Many schools also offer courses on creative clinical solutions, which remind students to refer their patients to medical doctors when certain physical symptoms are experienced. Additionally, students can expect to devote many hours to the intense study of Jung’s writings.

What are the Licensure Requirements?

Licensure requirements vary from state to state. Analytical psychologists must complete a certain number of supervised clinical hours in order to become licensed psychologists. The number of hours needed, depends on the state you intend to practice in.

What is the Employment Outlook for Analytical Psychologists?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment opportunities are for psychologists in general expected to increase approximately 6% by the year 2032. This increase will be attributed to a heightened interest in mental healthcare. It will also stem from an increased awareness in personal thoughts and behaviors, and how they are connected.

Also, as more medical physicians (i.e. psychiatrists, and general practitioners) treat patients, who are suffering from psychological distress and mental illnesses, the need to understand the relationship between the mind (i.e. consciousness and unconsciousness) and body will become more prevalent. Analytical psychologists will be able to help these physicians understand this relationship; therefore, the physicians will be able to provide better care to their patients.

Furthermore, lawyers, courts and law enforcement may also utilize analytical psychologists in the future. Why? Because these mental health professionals will be able to help them understand how one’s unconsciousness and consciousness affects behaviors. In other words, analytical psychologists will help other professionals understand why people think and behave the way they do.

How Much Does an Analytical Psychologist Make?

As of May 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a psychologist, in general, can expect to earn approximately $106,420 or $51.11, per hour, on average.

As of February 2024 according to Simply Hired an analytical psychologist can expect to make approximately $105,833, per year, on average, depending on the education, training, location, industry, and licensure of the psychologist.

Most analytical psychologists work in research departments, clinics, social service agencies, private practices, government agencies, businesses, colleges and universities, and/or hospitals.

What Careers are Similar to Analytical Psychologist?

Analytical psychology is a highly specialized field of work that is based on the teachings and theories of Carl Jung. However, despite its specific focus, there are several psychology careers that are closely related:

Cognitive-Behavioral Psychology: Like analytical psychology, cognitive-behavioral psychology explores the links between the way people think and the way people behave.

Cognitive-behavioral psychology techniques are often highly structured. These techniques are designed to challenge a client’s thought patterns, make them aware of negative or inaccurate thoughts, and make the appropriate cognitive changes such that a positive impact on behavior is the result.

Developmental Psychology: One type of analytical psychology is the developmental approach, which shares its focus with developmental psychology. Individuals that work as developmental psychologists are concerned with how people learn, grow, and develop from birth, through childhood and adolescence, into adulthood, and then into late life.

Also like analytical psychologists, developmental psychologists seek to help their clients realize their fullest potential by working through roadblocks to self-actualization.

Psychotherapist: Psychotherapy and analytical psychology are closely related because of their shared foundation in the work of Sigmund Freud. As a result, both emphasize talking as a means of therapeutic change.

Likewise, both disciplines focus on the unconscious and its role in the development and expression of thoughts and engagement in maladaptive behaviors. Psychotherapists will analyze their clients as well, diving deep into their thoughts and dreams, in order to make sense of what’s going on in the client’s life, reveal repressed material, and facilitate positive change.

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