Accredited Sports Psychology Schools in Iowa

According to Dr. John B Dilley, a professional sports psychologist in Iowa, a person’s body, mind and spirit are connected to each other.

For this reason he uses philosophy and sports psychology in treating all his clients. The treatment includes cognitive behavioral therapy. This method could be applied on people of all age groups from children to elderly people. The practitioner states that issues like behavior modification, anxiety, depression are treated through this therapy.

The prolonged affects of mental and behavioral issues could not be ignored and if these are not treated on time, they might become harmful for individuals.

If you want to become a sports psychologist in Iowa, then you might have to find accredited schools offering sports psychology degrees. Schools have to be accredited by the regional or national accrediting authorities. There are both masters and doctoral degrees available at various colleges and universities.

In a PhD program, focus is on all psychological methods as they mingle with forces or culture and social life. All research skills are developed so that you could properly study the field. If you have acquired a bachelor’s degree in psychology then you might have the choice of going for a specialization in sports psychology.

Courses taught in the master’s degree are critical perspectives, research colloquium, epidemiology of physical activity, counselor education, and planning and evaluating health interventions.

By residing in this state and becoming a sports psychologist, you could earn a median salary of $76,813 per year, as of January 2024. For work, you could look for vacancies in clubs, fitness centers, gyms, sports management firms and educational institutes.

Your work might be with team of practitioners like athletes, coaches and doctors. You might develop abilities of rehabilitation, career evolution, communication and injury.

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