Our Ranking Methodology

Last Updated: August 12, 2024

Our Data Sources

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Our Ranking Methodology

We use the following comprehensive data points to rank colleges and universities to provide a more complete understanding of each institution’s strengths and weaknesses:

  • Institution type (i.e. Public, Private – Nonprofit, Private – For-profit): This categorization helps to differentiate between the various types of higher education institutions and their respective funding models.
  • Institution size: This refers to the total number of students enrolled in the institution, including undergraduate and graduate students. A larger institution may offer a wider range of programs and resources, while a smaller institution may provide a more personalized educational experience.
  • Student-To-Faculty Ratio: This metric measures the average number of students per faculty member, indicating the level of individual attention and support students can expect to receive from their instructors.
  • Average annual cost: This figure represents the total yearly cost of attendance, including tuition, fees, room and board, and other related expenses. Lower costs can make higher education more accessible to a diverse range of students.
  • Median earning after graduation: This statistic reflects the median salary of graduates from each institution after a specified period (typically 10 years). Higher median earnings may suggest better job prospects and return on investment for students.
  • Graduation rate: This measures the percentage of students who complete their degree program within a specified time frame, typically six years for a four-year bachelor’s degree. Higher graduation rates indicate better student outcomes and institutional support.
  • Retention rate after 1st year: This is the percentage of first-year students who continue to their second year at the same institution. Higher retention rates suggest that students are satisfied with their experience and the institution’s ability to support their academic success.
  • Average debt: This figure represents the average amount of student loan debt incurred by graduates of each institution. Lower debt levels can make post-graduation financial stability more attainable for students.
  • Default rate: This is the percentage of students who default on their student loans within a specified period, typically three years after entering repayment. Lower default rates can signal that graduates are better equipped to manage their debt responsibly.
  • Number of undergraduate students: This data point represents the total number of students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs at the institution. It provides an idea of the overall size and scope of the undergraduate population.
  • Ratio of full-time students: This metric measures the proportion of students enrolled in full-time study compared to part-time students. A higher ratio can indicate a more traditional college experience, with students attending classes and participating in campus life more consistently.
  • Socio-Economic diversity: This factor assesses the representation of students from various socio-economic backgrounds within the institution. A diverse student body can provide a more inclusive and enriching learning environment.
  • Acceptance rate: This is the percentage of applicants who are admitted to the institution. Lower acceptance rates can indicate a more selective admissions process and potentially higher academic standards.

These data points, when considered together, provide a comprehensive picture of the quality, affordability, and outcomes associated with each college and university, helping students make informed decisions about their higher education choices.

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